Final Exams
The Fall and Spring term’s final exam schedule includes one two-hour summary instructional period for each course of two or more credits. This period is used for an exam or other instructional activities as deemed appropriate by the instructor and the instructional unit offering the course. Take-home final exams are due at the scheduled period. Final exams or other summary period activities cannot be scheduled during the last two weeks of classes. Students should check their final exam schedule as soon as they register for classes since this information is available at this time. If there are any exam conflicts (i.e., you have two exams at the same time), you must approach the instructors for the courses in question during the first three (3) weeks of classes of the specific examination conflict to explain your situation.
Students should attempt to avoid having more than two final exams within 24 hours. If a student has more than two final exams (that is, three or more finals) within 24 hours, a student can approach the instructors for their courses to see if it would be possible to schedule a make-up final exam to avoid hardships. However, please note that instructors are not required to give students a make-up final exam if they have more than two final exams in a 24 hour period.
For more detailed information about final exams, please see what is the University’s policy regarding fall and spring semester final examinations and when are final examinations held during the summer sessions.