"Be proactive. Despite external factors, ultimately no one is responsible for your academic performance except you. If you feel yourself slipping, ask for help rather than ignoring the problem, because it won't go away and you'll just feed bad habits."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"It was two things that really helped me turn around. First, I really assessed my current major and realized I hated every class I was in, I spent a full week going through virtually every major and looking at the classes and finally realized what really really interested me...Secondly, I got the courage to go talk to someone at UHS about my behavior, it turns out I've had ADHD my whole life and never knew until THIS semester. Don't wait as long as I did to build up the courage, the strategies that they provide you with may annoy you at first (I was angry - "How can you just tell someone to go to a support group and expect it to work?" - But I'm naive.) They're there to help! It was the best decision I've made in college."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Solving other problems in your life will help you in school. Those should come first and your grades will follow. Probation is merely a warning, not a threat."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Let teachers know that you have a genuine interest in their material and they will help you succeed."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"I think the most helpful thing was becoming organized and writing down all of my assignments in one place."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Enrolling in the AES seminar class was very helpful because I felt like I was alone in the situation. This class allowed me to be with others who were in the same situation as myself, and was very helpful in the process of getting off of academic probation. Something I wish I would've known when put on probation was how many resources there are to really help you through this situation that I could have used before I was placed on probation."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Go to office hours and talk to your professors. They may seem intimidating, but they do want to help and see you succeed. I wish I would have known about all of the free resources around campus that are there to help. If you are struggling with any subject there are many different places to go and get help. If you cannot find one, then talk to your professor. You are not alone on this campus and there are many others who have been in the same situation as you. Success is possible."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Taking CP 115 was extremely helpful. Talking with other students in the same situation and learning new ways to study and approach classes made getting back on track much easier."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"Being on probation doesn't mean you're dumb or a failure, it just means you have to find what works for you."
L&S student who has cleared probation
"You're here at UW-Madison because you're worth it. Don't let anything stop you from achieving what you want to at this great university."
L&S student who has cleared probation