Financial Aid
International Students
Veteran Services & Military Assistance Center
L&S Academic Deans’ Services (ADS) assists students, faculty, and those who support them by interpreting, communicating, developing, and implementing L&S academic policies to enhance the learning environment; maintain the integrity of the L&S undergraduate degree; and assist students in difficult personal and academic situations in a manner consistent with college policy and the student’s educational goals.
Unlike the Dean of Students office, the focus of ADS is student academic performance. We recognize that students’ academic performance may be impacted by personal, medical, or other factors that may require exceptions to policy. Students should be referred to ADS for the following requests:
- Enrollment changes after college or university deadlines including: late drop of a course, late withdrawal from all enrolled courses for a term, late add of a course after the 9th week of classes (adds prior to the end of the 9th week should be handled by the instructor and the department), adjustment of credits for a course being offered for nonvariable credit.
- Readmission to the university after academic suspension.
- Exceptions to degree completion requirements outside the major, e.g. breadth requirement, intermediate/advanced credit requirement, residency requirement.
- Tuition refunds after the refund deadlines.
- Information about probation policy and guidelines and other academic policies, such as incompletes and grade changes.
- Information regarding the appeals process for academic suspension.
Instructors or others concerned about academic misconduct, student health or attendance, or disruptive student behavior should contact the Dean of Students Office (263-5700).