Week 5 Mandatory Major Declaration Communications –

Dear Campus Colleagues,

We are writing to share that the following email has just been sent to an additional 296 continuing L&S undergraduate students who will have 86 plus degree credits and who have not yet declared a major for a total of 353 students (along with yesterday’s 57 students). This email communication was not sent to L&S undergraduate students who are first-year students or first-semester transfer students who have 86 plus degree credits. These students will not be able to enroll for courses in future terms until they declare a major or speak with their assigned advisor about options if they are unable to declare at this time.

L&S Student Academic Affairs has established a Box folder called L&S Student Communications and Audits, which will contain an Excel file, searchable by advisor name, listing the names and e-mail addresses of the students who received this message. This data is provided to enable Academic Advisors to communicate with the affected students.

By requesting access to this Box folder, you affirm that:

1)  A majority of your advisees are L&S students that you advise or L&S students in your major

2)  Your students identify you as a primary Academic Advisor in the campus Student Information System (SIS)

3)  You currently have access to student data in SIS and follow the Guidelines for Faculty & Staff:



Note the importance of e-mailing groups of students by Bcc


To request access to this Box folder, please e-mail a request from your wisc.edu account, include your NetID, and indicate your department/unit, to the L&S Academic Deans’ Services (ADS) office:


L&S Academic Deans’ Services



Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in working with these students.


The College of Letters & Science



Dear L&S Undergraduate Student,


We are writing to inform you that you will not be able to enroll in classes for future terms since you have reached 86 credits (these 86 credits include credits you are currently enrolled in this term) and you have not declared a major since our last email communication to you on September 21, 2021. You can get the enrollment hold immediately removed by going to the major department and declaring a major.


Detailed information about this policy can be found at:  When do I need to declare a major in the College of Letters & Science?


If you are unable to declare a major at this time, you should speak with your assigned academic advisor as soon as you are able so you may discuss your options.


Please see the link below for information about finding your advisor’s name and contact information:  Find an Advisor





The College of Letters & Science

L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans’ Services

101 Ingraham Hall

1155 Observatory Drive

Madison, WI 53706-1319

Phone: 608-262-0617

