Dear Student,
You are receiving this email because you have between 54-85 credits (including in-progress coursework), which means that it’s time to think about declaring a major. More information about declaring a major and the major declaration policy is located at:
When do I need to declare a major in the College of Letters & Science?
All L&S undergraduate students are required to declare a major or be admitted into an L&S special degree program (i.e., AMEP, BLA, BMUS, BSW, JBA, JBS) upon the completion of 86 credits (including credits from transfer, AP credits, test credits, study abroad credits, or retroactive credits). This is the perfect time to begin narrowing your academic interests.
Declaring a major has benefits that are vital to your overall success. Students with majors:
- Can plan for timely graduation. Graduating on time lowers the overall cost of education and allows students to pursue their next life goals.
- Connect to the major department, gaining access to departmental advising resources, faculty contacts, and courses limited to majors.
- Connect with other students who are pursuing similar academic interests.
- Obtain timely and important information about the major (advising hours and workshops, upcoming courses, social events, career opportunities, study groups, etc.).
If you have not had the opportunity to meet and speak with your advisor about selecting a major, please do so soon.
If you think you have already declared a major, please confirm this through your MyUW Academic Navigator and/or with your academic advisor. Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this important information.
The College of Letters & Science
Undergraduate Academic Deans’ Services
101 Ingraham Hall
1155 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1319
Phone: 608-262-0617